Ian Marler
Executive Chairman
Dear Ian
I wanted to thank ACSIS and Kevin Gibbons for a fantastic result on a claims alert that has recently been closed.  Due to Kevin’s substantial expertise, he convinced the claimant not to pursue the claim against us.
Despite that, the investigation into some of our work did show us that we need to keep improving the way we do things, to maintain and constantly improve quality control over all aspects of jobs.
As a result of the possible claim we have improved aspects of our process and will be more vigilant.  We are regularly reminding our staff that “every job is a potential claim” and to never be complacent about correspondence, documentation and paperwork etc.
Lastly, as a result of Kevin’s skills and abilities, I believe that having ACSIS PI did actually stop a claim.  So a heartfelt thank you to everyone involved with a special thank you to Kevin.
Hilloc Pty Ltd
Surveyors, Planners and Development


Ian Marler
Executive Chairman

Dear Ian
On behalf of SSSI and myself personally we  thank you so much for presenting at WASC 2013.
I do appreciate the effort that goes into presentations and it was personally very satisfying to experience such high quality presentations at what was the final event for me as an organiser for SSSI.
The conference overall rated the best ever for a SSSI one day event in WA with a 99.1% satisfaction rating and it was financially successful as well.
A good conference depends heavily on the presenters and much of the credit I put down to you and the topics in the program that attracted over 200 delegates.




Ian Marler
Executive Chairman

Dear Ian
I wish to thank you for assisting me recently.  I requested a run off policy commencing on 1 July 2013 and I appreciate the work that you and others have done at ACSIS in offering these run off policies at such a low cost.

As you will note, in the many years that I have been with ACSIS I have been fortunate enough not to have attracted any claims at this stage (touch wood).
I was a bit surprised that ACSIS offers this fantastic run off deal to firms that have only been in the Scheme for three renewals, however I can see that this would attract many smaller survey firms that would be approaching the end of their working life.
Name provided 




Spring 2024

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The ISNSW annual conference was held at our home town, Newcastle. Time to Connect in the Hunter was the first event to kick 2023 off. There were sensational activities giving delegates the chance to network with like-minded professionals and learn from some of the industry's best. Twilight sailing, guided tour of Fort Scratchley tunnel system, cocktail dinner and an aerobatic display over Fort Scratchley by the amazing Matt Hall Racing. 


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